Beautiful bag
This is my 3rd bag from Parisa Wang and I'm always just blown away by the quality and structure of the bags especially for the price. I had been looking for the perfect everyday bag and this one is the perfect size and shape for me. The only reason I gave 4 stars instead of 5 is the length of the strap. It just hangs at a weird level for me and it seems to be the standard with the bags. I'm 5ft7" and would love for the straps to be a bit more adjustable so people can wear them at whatever height they find comfortable, I just found the strap unusable! I was lucky to have a longer strap from another bag that was the same color as the one that came with bag, though I would have preferred to use the one that came with it. I really hope you guys will consider making your straps more adjustable to different heights. That's the only 👎 for me. Outside that, it's an absolutely great bag